Fireproofing: Intumescent (SFRM – Spray Fire Resistive Materials)
Are you afraid of a fire breaking out in your home or business? Even if you take the proper precautions like monitoring cooking and doing hot water tank maintenance, accidents can still happen. Fire kills millions each year and cause billions worth in damage.
Don’t let this happen to you. Invest in intumescent fireproofing along with your commercial spray foam or residential spray foam to stay safe if flames ever do break out.
What Is Intumescent Fireproofing?
Intumescent fireproofing is a type of coating for commercial spray foam or residential spray foam that’s fire-resistive and can stop flames from spreading if a fire happens in your building. It often comes in the form of a regular paint that goes on top of structural elements on top of the commercial spray foam and residential spray foam of a building.
It’s different from other types of commercial spray foam and residential spray foam fireproofing applications because it goes on in a thin layer that looks aesthetically pleasing, just like real paint. While you may need to apply several coats of intumescent commercial spray foam or intumescent residential spray foam to get the desired thickness, it will provide a far better look overall.
How Intumescent Fireproofing Can Stop a Fire
When used properly in the space around your commercial spray foam and residential spray foam, intumescent fireproofing works by slowing the spread of flames. It’s able to do this because it contains a series of chemicals suspended in a binder.
One the heat of the flames softens the binder, the chemicals are released, creating a sponge that prevents heat transfer to a structural steel member.
Overall, the average intumescent coating swells up to 100 times its original thickness in the event of a fire, protecting the residential spray foam, commercial spray foam, walls, ceilings, or whatever other materials it’s surrounding.
You can apply intumescent commercial spray foam or residential spray foam to any structural piece of a building, including:
- Steel joists
- Metal decking
- Columns
- Beams
What Are the Benefits of Intumescent Fireproofing?
When you use intumescent fireproofing with your residential spray foam or commercial spray foam, you’re getting a superior product that could save your life. In addition to this obvious benefit, installing intumescent fireproofing with your commercial spray foam or residential spray foam has these other benefits:
- Looks aesthetically pleasing on exposed surfaces
- Can be mixed with pigments to patch the finish color of other surfaces
- Can be used on wood surfaces
- Reacts quickly to flames
Pair Intumescent Fireproofing with Your Commercial Spray Foam or Residential Spray Foam Today
If you’re having residential spray foam or commercial spray foam installed, it’s absolutely worth it to have intumescent fireproofing also installed. Whether you want to use intumescent commercial spray foam for protecting your warehouse or intumescent residential spray foam to shield your detached garage, call us today to find out more.